Saturday, July 10, 2010

Floral Painting

Wild Daisies
acrylic painting
canvas size: 16 x 20
artist: Rogelio Babanto
I painted this Wild Daisies in our backyard last spring time, 2010. I bought this flowering shrub--Wild Daisies--last year 2009 as a Mother's day present for my wife Mimi. Fortunately, this Spring time when I went to the backyard to look around, and checked the plants if they're still alive from the snow last winter. We had a 6 inches thick of snow last winter, and I thought all the plants were affected by the snow especially the flowering plant, Wild Daisies.
I added some pebbles, big stones, twigs, and a squirrel on the foreground so that the viewers wouldn't stay out of the painting early, but go around the painting.
The fence rhythm with the petals of the flower while the stones rhythm with the buttons of the flowers giving a rhythmical and harmonious art. The rhythm and harmony of the painting hold the viewers eye within the painting.
The rays of the morning sunlight give also a rhythm, harmony in the painting, as well as direction towards the center of the art. The viewers of this painting would linger longer than without rhythm and harmony in the painting.

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