Sunday, October 2, 2011



acrylic paint

size: 30 x 40

Artist: Rogelio Babanto

Texas 2011

These were gorgeous parots which I took secretly with my canon camera in the Moody Garden in Galveston near my place, Texas. I love parots that's why I painted them when I remembered their pictures hidden in the trunk at our attic.

The beautiful combinations of blue, yellow, white, red, and a slight green on their head.I added two babies at the front, lizards and also babies of different colors like white, red, and blue at the background. The mangoes at the background with riped colors were also added to the spectacular display of the parots. The painting has lot of things to watch which the viewers linger unexpectedly longer than their usual time of viewing a painting. I hope this painting satisfies your eyes.

Rogelio Babanto